Coed 3    (septiembre de 2017)
Coed 3 Standings
  W  L  T  PF  GP  PA  PTS Calendar Sync
Pumas 17 (Red) 7108084621
The Improvers (Black) 6208186418
Grapes of Wrath (Purple) 4407986212
Dyslexia United (royal blue) 251608837
Thundercats (Pink) 251398547
Logan (white) 260488786
Coed 3 Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
lun-sep 25   Thundercats (Pink) 4 - 9 Pumas 17 (Red) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularSahlie, Chism
jue-sep 28   Dyslexia United (royal blue) 13 - 12 Logan (white) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Powell
vie-sep 29   The Improvers (Black) 15 - 13 Grapes of Wrath (Purple) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Chism
lun-oct 2   Logan (white) 5 - 3 Thundercats (Pink) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularSahlie
vie-oct 6   Dyslexia United (royal blue) 8 - 16 The Improvers (Black) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Chism
vie-oct 6   Pumas 17 (Red) 10 - 4 Grapes of Wrath (Purple) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Chism
lun-oct 9   Dyslexia United (royal blue) 5 - 5 Thundercats (Pink) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularSahlie
jue-oct 12   Grapes of Wrath (Purple) 14 - 2 Logan (white) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularBell, Mayweather
vie-oct 13   Pumas 17 (Red) 5 - 6 The Improvers (Black) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Perez
mar-oct 17   Logan (white) 4 - 5 Thundercats (Pink) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularSahlie, Perez
jue-oct 19   Thundercats (Pink) 4 - 7 Grapes of Wrath (Purple) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Perez
vie-oct 20   The Improvers (Black) 12 - 7 Logan (white) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Nguyen
lun-oct 23   Thundercats (Pink) 1 - 8 The Improvers (Black) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularSahlie
jue-oct 26   Grapes of Wrath (Purple) 5 - 6 Dyslexia United (royal blue) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Chism
jue-oct 26   Pumas 17 (Red) 10 - 2 Logan (white) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Chism
vie-oct 27   Grapes of Wrath (Purple) 13 - 6 The Improvers (Black) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Nguyen
lun-oct 30   Pumas 17 (Red) 7 - 6 Thundercats (Pink) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularSahlie
jue-nov 2   Grapes of Wrath (Purple) 8 - 13 Pumas 17 (Red) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Nguyen
jue-nov 2   Logan (white) 10 - 6 Dyslexia United (royal blue) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Nguyen
vie-nov 3   The Improvers (Black) 10 - 5 Dyslexia United (royal blue) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Chism
lun-nov 6   Thundercats (Pink) 11 - 9 Dyslexia United (royal blue) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularSahlie, Nguyen
jue-nov 9   Logan (white) 6 - 15 Grapes of Wrath (Purple) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularHarmeson, Powell
vie-nov 10   The Improvers (Black) 8 - 12 Pumas 17 (Red) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularBell, Perez
vie-nov 10   Dyslexia United (royal blue) 8 - 14 Pumas 17 (Red) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularBell, Thompson
Player Stats
 EquipoJugador#GoalsAssists Totals
1The Improvers (Black)Akeem Williams 19726
2Dyslexia United (royal blue)Collin Bell 18422
3Pumas 17 (Red)Rafael Mencia 19019
4Grapes of Wrath (Purple)Richard Kelham 12416
5Logan (white)Victoria Kamphuis 12214
6Pumas 17 (Red)Raul Sanchez 11314
7The Improvers (Black)Mary Kunkel 10313
8Dyslexia United (royal blue)Emily Bush 10212
9Grapes of Wrath (Purple)Oliver Ameen 9110
10Pumas 17 (Red)Edith Sanchez 10010
11Pumas 17 (Red)Luis Argueta 10010
12Grapes of Wrath (Purple)tracy apgar 729
13The Improvers (Black)Alan Bright 549
14Grapes of Wrath (Purple)Rachel Deere 527
15Grapes of Wrath (Purple)Hannah Beatty-Creed 707
16The Improvers (Black)Arms Brown 257
17Thundercats (Pink)Arend Jonker 617
18Grapes of Wrath (Purple)Clint Nesmith 606
19The Improvers (Black)Lauren Furlong 426
20Logan (white)Gunnar Fullerton 415
21Pumas 17 (Red)Gabriella Perez 325
22Thundercats (Pink)Matt Nail 415
23Dyslexia United (royal blue)Ryan Johnson 224
24Dyslexia United (royal blue)Sammy Collins 404
25Logan (white)Andrew Joelchandranesan 404
26The Improvers (Black)Scott Sample 314
27The Improvers (Black)Robert Green 404
28Thundercats (Pink)Melissa Williamson 404
29Thundercats (Pink)Abby Powell 404
30Dyslexia United (royal blue)Jerrad Edmonds 213
31Dyslexia United (royal blue)Johnathan Acosta 213
32Logan (white)Brian Wheeler 303
33Logan (white)Logan Clark 303
34Thundercats (Pink)Shelly Gonsoulin 303
35Logan (white)Carson Martinez 112
36Logan (white)Morgan Clark 112
37Logan (white)Kelsey Boze 202
38Pumas 17 (Red)Janett Cordoba 202
39Pumas 17 (Red)Antonio Garcia 022
40Pumas 17 (Red)Horacio Cruz-Vicencio 202
41The Improvers (Black)Alexis Green 202
42Thundercats (Pink)Sean McManigell 202
43Thundercats (Pink)Chelsea Chavarria 112
44Thundercats (Pink)Derrick Davenport 202
45Thundercats (Pink)Jessica Smalley 022
46Dyslexia United (royal blue)Michaela Dutton 101
47Dyslexia United (royal blue)Russell Hall 101
48Grapes of Wrath (Purple)Joshua Wright 101
49Grapes of Wrath (Purple)Patrick Deere 101
50Grapes of Wrath (Purple)Eric Post 101
51Logan (white)Ty Martinez 101
52Pumas 17 (Red)Nicol Carbajal 101
53Pumas 17 (Red)Daniel Martinez 101
54Thundercats (Pink)Cameron Cain 101
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Coed Open (Over 18)
Division: C3
Sport: Indoor Soccer - Coed (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 9/25/2017
End Date: 11/15/2017
Status: Complete
Team Fee: $670.00
PlayerFee: $67.00
Other Fee Info: Team fee is $670 including ref and scorekeeper fees. Every player must have an active Shreveport Indoor Soccer $20 annual membership.
More Info: Coed 3 is our least competitive coed league. Rosters must be submitted before a team will be accepted in this league.
Schedules are customized for the divisions each season. Coed 3 games are Monday through Friday nights between 6-10pm on Cosse and Silmon Orthodontics Field. The season consists of 8 games in 7 weeks.