Coed 4    (septiembre de 2017)
Coed 4 Standings
  W  L  T  PF  GP  PA  PTS Calendar Sync
Binder Miflin (white) 6205383618
Fancy Feet (Red) 4406286412
Put Some Stank On It (yellow) 4406185612
Comedy Of Errors 3414284910
WO Toffees (Royal Blue) 251508637
Coed 4 Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
lun-sep 25   Put Some Stank On It (yellow) 5 - 8 Comedy Of Errors Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularSahlie, Chism
vie-sep 29   Comedy Of Errors 4 - 7 WO Toffees (Royal Blue) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Chism
vie-sep 29   Fancy Feet (Red) 6 - 4 Binder Miflin (white) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPerez
lun-oct 2   Binder Miflin (white) 5 - 4 WO Toffees (Royal Blue) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularSahlie
mar-oct 3   WO Toffees (Royal Blue) 7 - 5 Put Some Stank On It (yellow) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularSahlie, Powell
jue-oct 5   Fancy Feet (Red) 6 - 5 Comedy Of Errors Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Chism
lun-oct 9   Fancy Feet (Red) 12 - 7 WO Toffees (Royal Blue) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularSahlie
lun-oct 9   Comedy Of Errors 5 - 12 Binder Miflin (white) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularSahlie
vie-oct 13   Binder Miflin (white) 5 - 4 Put Some Stank On It (yellow) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularNguyen, Perez
lun-oct 16   WO Toffees (Royal Blue) 2 - 2 Comedy Of Errors Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularHarmeson
lun-oct 16   Put Some Stank On It (yellow) 10 - 6 Fancy Feet (Red) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularHarmeson
vie-oct 20   Binder Miflin (white) 5 - 0 Fancy Feet (Red) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularNguyen, Johnson
mié-oct 25   WO Toffees (Royal Blue) 8 - 12 Binder Miflin (white) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularVesek, Perez
jue-oct 26   Comedy Of Errors 7 - 5 Put Some Stank On It (yellow) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Chism
vie-oct 27   Fancy Feet (Red) 12 - 13 Put Some Stank On It (yellow) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularPoole, Nguyen
lun-oct 30   Fancy Feet (Red) 13 - 9 WO Toffees (Royal Blue) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularSahlie
vie-nov 3   Comedy Of Errors 0 - 5 Binder Miflin (white) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularJohnson, Chism
lun-nov 6   Comedy Of Errors 11 - 7 Fancy Feet (Red) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularSahlie, Nguyen
mar-nov 7   Put Some Stank On It (yellow) 10 - 6 WO Toffees (Royal Blue) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularSahlie, Chism
vie-nov 10   Put Some Stank On It (yellow) 9 - 5 Binder Miflin (white) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularHarmeson, Perez
Player Stats
 EquipoJugador#GoalsAssists Totals
1Fancy Feet (Red)Janelle Willis 16117
2Put Some Stank On It (yellow)Michaela Dutton 9615
3Put Some Stank On It (yellow)Collin Bell 11314
4Fancy Feet (Red)Brandon Wittcop 8311
5WO Toffees (Royal Blue)Adam Hester 7411
6Put Some Stank On It (yellow)Jerrad Edmonds 9110
7WO Toffees (Royal Blue)Jacob Hester 7310
8Binder Miflin (white)Breanna Shuler 808
9WO Toffees (Royal Blue)Emily Bush 718
10Binder Miflin (white)Henry Llorence 516
11Comedy Of ErrorsMolly Codero 516
12Fancy Feet (Red)Ashley clark 606
13Comedy Of ErrorsMary Kunkel 415
14Comedy Of ErrorsCody Burford 415
15Put Some Stank On It (yellow)Johnathan Acosta 415
16WO Toffees (Royal Blue)Travis Elkins 415
17Binder Miflin (white)Thang Nguyen 404
18Binder Miflin (white)Amanda Hock 404
19Binder Miflin (white)Ryan Bicket 404
20Comedy Of ErrorsWayne Watson 224
21Comedy Of ErrorsBeth Ramos 314
22Fancy Feet (Red)Martin Haynes 314
23WO Toffees (Royal Blue)Mark Walton 224
24WO Toffees (Royal Blue)David Aubrey 404
25Binder Miflin (white)Taylor Templeton 303
26Comedy Of ErrorsMarco Ramos 123
27Fancy Feet (Red)Derrick Davenport 123
28Binder Miflin (white)Anthony Giacalone 202
29Comedy Of ErrorsMichelle Watson 202
30Comedy Of ErrorsJose Cordero 202
31Put Some Stank On It (yellow)Mickey Lee 022
32Put Some Stank On It (yellow)Kris Griffin 112
33WO Toffees (Royal Blue)Hailey Toner 202
34WO Toffees (Royal Blue)Kevin Antley 202
35WO Toffees (Royal Blue)McKaylee Fetty 202
36WO Toffees (Royal Blue)John Garcia 112
37Binder Miflin (white)Chelsy Worsham 011
38Comedy Of ErrorsLynnsee Moberg 101
39Comedy Of ErrorsChristopher Kunkel 101
40Fancy Feet (Red)Chelsea Chavarria 101
41Fancy Feet (Red)Logan Clark 101
42Put Some Stank On It (yellow)Russell Hall 011
43WO Toffees (Royal Blue)Romeo Davis 101
44WO Toffees (Royal Blue)Stacy Dart 101
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Coed Open (Over 18)
Division: C4
Sport: Indoor Soccer - Coed (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 9/25/2017
End Date: 11/17/2017
Status: Complete
Team Fee: $570.00
PlayerFee: $57.00
Other Fee Info: Team fee is $570 including ref and scorekeeper fees. Every player must have an active Shreveport Indoor Soccer $20 annual membership.
More Info: Coed 4 is our least competitive coed league. Rosters must be submitted before a team will be accepted in this league.
Schedules are customized for the divisions each season. Coed 3 games are Monday through Friday nights between 5-10pm on Cosse and Silmon Orthodontics Field. The season consists of 8 games in 7 weeks.