Team - Goal Diggers (B)
Mens 3 -League A Standings
  GP  W  L  T  PF  PA  PTS Calendar Sync
Caniacs (Blue) 7520634115
House Team (Red) 8530555015
Galacticos (Teal) 8530434415
Straight Shooters (B) 330025119
Average Age 44 (B) 211010143
Broadmoor Blues (Blue) 808047790
PHAT (B) 10108110
Goal Diggers (B) 1010670
Goal Diggers (B)'s Schedule
DateHome AwayTime/StatusVenueGame TypeOfficials
Wed-Dec 11   Galacticos (Teal) 7 - 6 Goal Diggers (B) Complete Cosse and Silmon Field RegularGonzalez, Mendoza
Tue-Jan 7   Goal Diggers (B)  v  Caniacs (Blue) Result Pending Cosse and Silmon Field Regular